Reply to Deshbhakt's latest video on Bangladesh titled: Who's Targeting Hindus In Bangladesh? | Case against Chinmoy Krishna Das | Akash Banerjee

 Low Deshbhakt, too low!

I see RAW is paying you well.

Let's look at the facts:

1. Chinmoy was expelled from ISKCON due to pedophilia. He raped young students of the organization. Yes, Hindu students. ;) I would've loved to see this detail on your video. But I know that no one working to establish India's narrative will put out this detail. It is a well established fact and proofs are all over the internet.

2. Security of Bangladeshi nationals are on the hands of the Bangladeshi Government and strictly Bangladeshi Government. India is not Messiah for anyone. They are not the caretakers of Hindus. We all are Bangladeshi and remained so for hundreds of years. (Thousands if you consider pre Islamic period. Buddhism, Hinduism and other folk religious communities)

3. If India wants friendship it should look at Bangladesh as a neighbor not as a colony. We are a sovereign nation and every last soul in the country will shed their blood to maintain it.

4. ISKCON is a terrorist organization and it is based on facts not just media reports. A little research would've helped. Or should I say you intentionally didn't include that in your report. It's banned in multiple countries worldwide btw. ;)

5. Most of the violence against Hindus were done by Hindus. They did them to make a riot. Which still continues to this day. And others were done on some Hindu individuals because they were part of awamileague not because of their religion. Sorry Indians we are not extremists like you that we would attack on someone because of their religion. Hundreds of reports are easily available online to substantiate this fact. If we were truly as intolerant as Indians there would've been hundreds of riots by now. Surely after the news of slaughter of Advocate Saiful. But are there any single incident like that? All you can show are some hinduvta extremists posting propaganda on social medias.

6. When there are no fundamentalist attacks why would there need to be a special tribunal? Almost all of them were either done by Hindus themselves to sabotage the government or because individuals were awamileaguers. If you complain about attack on Hindu individuals because they were awamileaguers, there were attacks on Muslim awamileaguers too! How is this a communal issue? And the organizations you are quoting are historically known collaborators of the awami mafia regime. Again a little research would've saved you from this utter embarrassment.

7. Bangladesh's national religion is Islam by constitution. Over 90% population is Muslim. Do you think people would want Islamophobs in textbook committee? They are known supporters of homosexuality and other anti social activities. Would Indian population want that type of people in their committee? Again when over 90% of the population is Muslim people expects there would be some representation of them to include their values in the curriculum. Because in the end it's our children who are going to study that curriculum, not Indians on the other side of the border.

8. Is Jamat a terrorist organization? You as a Hindu Indian would not like Jamat but doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't work for us as well. Remember the subcontinent was divided on the basis of religion? Well you don't get to force us Muslim Bangladeshis if we need Islamic Political Party's or not. Bangladesh isn't Indian colony anymore. It got it's independence in 5th August 2024.

9. About violence in the hill tracks, it's resolved and yes we again showed our tolerance. No further violence was done because of swift government intervention. Note that the victim of the violence was of majority and violence was done by minority.

10. Bangladeshis will decide what they want. I can assure you one thing, we don't need India or anyone's prescription. Fear mongering Islam is long over gone.

Sad to see you spreading propaganda. Every media in India is Godi media after all. If you've any credibility left in you, I expect you to come with an apology.


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