My Reply to Johnny Harris's new video on Qatar's mistreatment of migrant workers

 "Let me tell you my side of this story. I am a Bangladeshi and a lot of my relatives have worked in these rich countries. The situation is the same let it be Qatar or Malaysia. They are treated as slaves and forced to stay in prison like compounds.

But why are these stories coming on the spotlight now? Because the world cup is being held in a Middle Eastern country? Why didn't anyone raise any questions before? Where were humanity when thousands died in Libya, Dubai and Kuwait City?

Stop acting like you care Johnny and you should take some acting class as your acting is very noticeable. This is pure hypocrisy. Just like the Ukraine war. Nobody raised an eyebrow to the war crimes committed all over the world until it was someone the west didn't like.

If you are really honest about your views don't remove this comment."


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