Yeah. Please don't.

Girls I have a question for you.

You know you don't genuinely look like what you do with makeup. Then why do you use them? Why so desperate to make yourself more appealing with fake things? You do realize that if you wash your face all of it would be gone. Don't you?

When you're going out with a special person. Let's say it's your husband. You wear makeup and you look stunning. He is so happy to see you the way you presented. You had a good time. But when you come home you'll ultimately have to take it off. Do you think the excitement in your husband's mind will last? After all you're supposedly more beautiful with makeup. Honestly I think he'll be down seeing you without makeup. The reason why I think so is that it is human psychology. I won't be happy seeing my bicycle taken away and replaced with a old crappy bicycle. It's that easy to understand.

I think you girls should stop exaggerating your looks. Trust me you look beautiful without any artificial enhancement. Natural beauty is the best.

So stop paying companies for these stuffs, save your money and spend it on something which you'll enjoy and remember for the rest of your life.


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