
Showing posts from August, 2022

Some called Quran unholy so here is a response of mine in that thread

  Think about US cutting all relationship with Russia and China. Would they survive? No. If they want to be less dependant on them they need to gradually come out of the bubble. In ancient and middle ages it was very normal to trade slaves and Muhammad (PUBH) the messenger of Allah told us to treat slaves humanly and encouraged to set them free. Try reading last lecture of Muhammad (PUBH) in Hajj. I don't know what these commandments are. Islam is an Abrahamic religion because we believe in Ibrahim (PUBH) as a prophet of Almighty Allah. Islam didn't spread through war or threat of slavery. When Muhammad (PUBH) migrated to Madina he was nothing but a Prophet of Allah. People embraced Islam because of the teachings of it. Later when Muslims tried to spread the religion they were attacked or harmed. They were not free to spread the Religion so they had to conquer land to spread the religion. That's why Muhammad (PUBH) with his Ummah marched towards Makkah. To secure his mother...