
People are getting targeted because of their political affiliation not because of their religion.

Just like Hindus, Muslims are also getting targeted and the number is much higher. I am not condoning these incidents. Obviously they are wrong but let us not associate political violence with religion. It is wrong and creates a pretense that promotes actual religious violence. There have been collateral damage where innocent people have been affected. Those cases and all the other ones must go through legal process and not through a rogue state which thinks they have been given the devine duty to save a minority in another country. A huge number of minority temples and properties are being guarded by Madrasa students and Islamic Parties. How does that sound against the religious violence narrative?

I'm so tired.

Tired of life and tired of having faith in humanity. Seeing the atrocities in Palestine and Ukraine, ahh. People blown into pieces with toy drones, decapitated bodies, humans burnt alive, people shot in the head, child with half of the body missing hanging on a wall. What else do I have left to see? The absolute sickos still won't stop these wars. Allah curse these sadists!

ইরানের ব্যাপারে কিছু জিনিস আমাদের ক্লিয়ার হওয়া প্রয়োজন।

ইরান (শিয়া) আমাদের মতাদর্শের সাথে সাংঘর্ষিক কিন্তু এর পরেও তাদের ক্ষতিতে আমাদের খুশি হওয়া উচিত না। তাদের সাথে মুসলিম বিশ্বের (সুন্নি) সম্পর্ক রাজনৈতিক। একটা কথা প্রচলিত আছে, আমার শত্রুর শত্রু আমার বন্ধু।

President of Iran and Foreign Minister died in a helicopter crash! Bad move Israel, bad move.

I was today years old when I found out something called 'queef' exists.

Never thought textbooks would ever make me cry.

Was packing up my college books the other it hit me like a train and weighed on me like the Pyramids of Giza. I wasn't just letting go of my books but thousands of dreams. In some I was on top of the world, in others I was living in the peace of my family. Letting go of dreams, hope, and memories might be the saddest thing in the world.

It's the juice.